lördag 24 januari 2015


A blog, what is the worse thing that can happen. I suppose that someone makes fun of me. Well, that is not so terrible. I have had an idea to start a blog for about two years. Somehow something else always needed my attention. And if not, FEAR did stop me. Fear is absolutly my biggest obstacle for creativity. Fear of what others might think. Fear of failure. Fear of everything and fear of just being myself.

But here I am writing, and it is because I have to. I´m taking a class called Mastering Service Innovation. In order to pass the course we have to do a blog - it is perfect for a person like me, no turning back. I hate failure and I can´t fail the class before it even starts.

So, who am I? I´m a woman, a swede, a mother, a public sector worker, a runner, an investor, a pod and TED listener, a learner, a traveller and many many more things.

That´s it for now.


5 kommentarer:

  1. Hi Maria! I'm sure you won't fail the blogging and look forward to reading your reflections! /Nina

  2. Hello Maria! Have no fear, we are all humans. The worst thing that can happen with a blog is that nobody finds it - at that is clearly not the case...

  3. Absolutly Mikael! Thanks for your comment and I look forward to more during the course.

  4. Here's a bloggpost from entrepreneaur Richard Branson about fear. And he's right!
    "Whenever you feel fear remember: an opportunity can be turned into a life-changing experience"

  5. Hi Maria, Im sure you will be fine ;) Looking forward to read your thoughts!
