tisdag 27 januari 2015

Peer to peer

MOOC, what a fantastic way to learn new things. Imagine what a possibility it is for people in remote areas with less resources. But it is also a great opportunity for a person like me, with no time available to attend a physical course. But the thing that I like most with MOOCs are a chance to meet people from different cultures but with a common interest here and now. The feeling of peer to peer is pretty cool. But in order for that to happen we need to share. So massive open online courses are really about sharing, learning and sharing. This course Mastering service innovation seems to focus on sharing and colleboration. Which is great! I have high expectations on myself for this course. I want to spend time and effort to make it work.

My academic bakground is basically a masterdegree in Geography from the university of Gothenburg. If I was young today I would have made a different choice since I'm very interested in economics and the innovation process. I'm curious about design thinking as a systematic way of working with innovation. Since I work in the public sector I'm curious how we can work with service innovation there. Especially when it comes to user innovation and citizen involvement. The concept of open innovation is very attractive. The question is if it really works. For the public sector it is much easier to be open with data for example. For some industries it might be more difficult. Well, lets find out more later in the course.

lördag 24 januari 2015


A blog, what is the worse thing that can happen. I suppose that someone makes fun of me. Well, that is not so terrible. I have had an idea to start a blog for about two years. Somehow something else always needed my attention. And if not, FEAR did stop me. Fear is absolutly my biggest obstacle for creativity. Fear of what others might think. Fear of failure. Fear of everything and fear of just being myself.

But here I am writing, and it is because I have to. I´m taking a class called Mastering Service Innovation. In order to pass the course we have to do a blog - it is perfect for a person like me, no turning back. I hate failure and I can´t fail the class before it even starts.

So, who am I? I´m a woman, a swede, a mother, a public sector worker, a runner, an investor, a pod and TED listener, a learner, a traveller and many many more things.

That´s it for now.
